Ben Wainwright

Hi, I'm Ben - co-founder of Remap Mental Fitness and enthusiast in all things behavioural science, technology and fun facts (did you know over 80% of people in Kenya use mobile money?).

At Remap, we teach mental fitness routines 🧠- specialising in a technique called visualisation aka mental rehearsal.

Visualisation has been used for decades by athletes to gain a competitive edge. We teach you how to train your brain to improve the way you think, feel and perform across any area of your life.

We deliver workshops to organisations alongside events that anyone can get involved in. Get in touch if you want to find out more! 👋

Why do I love teaching mental fitness?

In secondary school, I experienced social anxiety, generalised anxiety disorder and other mental health issues that negatively impacted every area of my life.

But here's the thing, just as our mind can negatively impact our life - it can be trained to positively impact our life as well. 💪

It took me years of trial and error to become mentally healthy. Now, with the technique of visualisation, I am building and improving my mental fitness. And I want to share this skill with as many people as I can!

Send me a message on LinkedIn if you'd like to chat 🙂



Behavioural Science

